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Anxiety after Pulsatile Tinnitus

I remember my first appointment I attended for this symptom.

There is a odd perception of how an appointment with a new doctor should go. We go in and sit on a chair in a room no bigger than a size of a 10x10 storage unit. We are under this light that feels like a 80’s interrogation room thinking will they even listen to my concerns. You might get a great doctor that day, but more likely you get an arrogant self-centered moron who just got out of med school.

Anxiety. A word that describes someone that experiences or experienced a unusual or out of character event that has left them in a reoccurring fight or flight mode. When you explain to a stranger the symptoms you have experienced, you enter this area of the unknown. You don’t know what the symptoms mean, hence why you are seeking professional help. But in that appointment there is a brief moment where the doctor will reassure you or shut you down and that my friends is where the anxiety begins.

The moment a doctor starts to shut you down there is a sense of uncertainty. Mainly within yourself, you start to think how can I prove this because I know my body. They don’t know my body, how could they come to a decision quickly? Quickly is the point of reference. How can a doctor come to a decision quickly in a 30 minute appointment and send you back out in society wondering still why am I experiencing these symptoms.

I personally experienced this with a doctor when attempting to get answers about a random whooshing sound in my ear. What I wasn’t aware of was the toll it took on me and my family mentally. To hear there is nothing shown on a scan you repeat monthly, there is no other tests that can be completed or you must be laying on your pillow to hear that noise. It effects you below the surface. Anxiety, PTSD, and Depression can occur as a result of a doctor’s lack of knowledge in this case, Pulsatile Tinnitus.

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