When you are experiencing a range of symptoms and are going into your appointments asking questions and hoping you will find your answers, the last thing on your mind are medical records.
At least that is how it was for me.
The moment I was told to gather all of my medical records the thought of contacting every doctor caused an overwhelming feeling which led to the question, "Where do I begin?". You start from the beginning and determine who you saw first for your symptoms (Primary Care Providers, Specialists, Emergency Room Visits).
Organize your documents by the appointment date so it's easier to refer back to and make sure to gather all imaging completed (there might be 1 CD or 10 CD's). You will use the same organization method and combine both your CD(s) and documents together within your binder/portfolio. Label, again, by the appointment date!
It will be overwhelming, frustrating, and annoying at times gather all of your medical records, believe me I understand. But, by gathering sooner you will have the ability to refer back to items quicker and it might help jog your memory when preparing for your appointment(s).
So the next time you go into your appointment, make sure to keep it in the back of your mind.
Medical records are important for both you and your doctor.